Sai Vichaar

June 14, 2001
Volume 4, Issue 4
(In its fourth year of publication)

01.Feature of the Week: Is there no hope?

02.Contributed Article: None
03.Experiences of Devotees
04.Devotees Say
05.Sai Activities
06.Prayer Club
07.Quote of the Week
08.Question of the Week
09.Subscribe to Sai Vichaar
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13.From the Editor's Keyboard

From the Editor's Keyboard...

The Poornima (Full Moon) Day in the month of Ashadha (July-August) is known as Guru Poornima or Vyasa Poornima. This is a very sacred day on which special worship is performed to the Acharyas (Gurus), who, through their infinite Compassion and Supreme Grace, have imparted the Knowledge of the Absolute through a long and continuous line of Acharyas (Guru Parampara) to all the Seekers of the Self. Guru Poornima this year is celebrated on July 5, on an auspicious Thursday. Sai centers around the world are requested to write to Sai Vichaar about Guru Poornima activities planned for this year. Several devotees have asked for the contact information of Geetha Srinivasan and the details of Sai activities. Please refer to Sai activities for the contact information of Geetha Srinivasan.

Sai devotee Pran Razdan suggested the "Question of the Week" as follows:

Kaamais tais tair hrta-jnaanaah
prapadyante nya-devataah
tam tam niyamam aasthaaya
prakrtyaa niyataah svayaa

Interpretation of this shloka as given in "Bhagvat Gita As it is" by Swami Prabhupada is "Those whose intelligence has been stolen by material desires surrender unto demigods and follow the particular rules and regulations of worship according to their own natures". The emphasis according to this interpretation is on praying to the Supreme Lord Krishna and not others called demigods. We call Sai as Saikrishna and believe that through Him we can attain the spiritual freedom and become one with the Absolute.

"Why is therefore a distinction made here between Supreme Lord and other gods and who are demigods?"

Humbly Yours,

The Editor

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Feature of the week: Is there no hope

Perils of Maya, the myth, is well known, well expounded, yet least comprehensible for a spiritual seeker. The human nature is such; it falls to its own trap time and again. Desires multiply even after knowing how transient the human life is. Desires and more desires, as the mercy of Sadguru confers the wishes, the desires manifold. Souls trapped at the crossroads not knowing where to draw the line. Swami Vivekananda, one of the greatest spiritualists history has seen talks on this subject;

"There was never a mother who did not think her child was a born genius, the most extra-ordinary child that was ever born; she dotes upon her child. Her whole soul is in the child. The child grows up, perhaps becomes a drunkard, a brute, ill-treats the mother, and the more he ill-treats her, the more her love increases. The world lauds its unselfish love of the mother, little dreaming that the mother is a born slave, she cannot help that. She would a thousand times rather throw off the burden, but she cannot. So she covers herself with a mass of flowers, which she calls love. And this is Maya.

True it is that we are all slaves of Maya, born in Maya and live in Maya. Is there no way out, no hope? That we are all miserable, that this world is really a prison, that even our so-called trailing beauty are but a prison-houses, have been known for ages upon ages. There has never been a man; never been a human soul who has not felt this sometime or other, however he may talk. And the old people feel it most, because in them the accumulated experience of a whole life, because they cannot be easily cheated by the lies of the nature. Is there no way out? We find that with all this, with this terrible fact before us, in the midst of the sorrow and suffering even in this world where life and death are synonymous, ever here there is a still small voice ringing through all ages, through every country and in every heart: "This Maya is divine, made up of qualities, and very difficult to cross. Yet those that come unto Me, cross the river of life". This voice comes to men when everything seems to be lost and hope has fled, when's men's dependence on his own strength crushed down, and everything seems to melt away between his fingers, and life is a helpless ruin. Then he hears it. This is called religion".

Religion in this context may well be substituted for the doctrine of faith, to be taken for all its worth. As the true sons of the father, let us spend a few moments on contemplating the loving invitation the father has extended to His religion, the one of faith and patience, of love and tolerance, of one supreme that is for all.
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Contributed Article: None

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Experiences of Devotees

A Sai Devotee
On last Sunday, we were driving from my son's apartment back to our residence. My son had repeatedly said not to leave, as it was about 0800 pm. Hiway was not safe due to wildlife and other reasons. On top of that, the gas tank was nearly empty. My husband insisted that we return since next day we were to join our respective offices. Sure enough. We had just come out of the city limits and on to the main hiway when my husband announces that there is not enough gas in the car. I immediately said let us go back right now while we are still close by the city. He refused. He had one too many drinks I guess. Knowing him it was not proper to argue while our daughter was sitting with us as well. I closed my eyes and few warm tears fall down. More so I was concerned about my daughter's well being who was sound asleep in the back seat. As expected, the car stopped in the middle of no where. My husband looked at me and said what do we do now. Well it is not the first time you chose not to listen to anyone, what possibly I can do but we lock the doors and spend the night here. More tears from my eyes as I felt very helpless. Its like each time the partner makes a mistake but the other half has to pay for it to due to no fault of theirs.

Anyway after about half hour I suggested that we put the car in neutral and see how far it goes where there are minor rolling hills may be we be able to get to the nearest gas station. My eyes still closed and I meditated on our FATHER very intensely thus saying I have seen most of the life but my daughter who is yet to see the world is in your hands. I leave up to you FATHER. I remember my husband has put the car in neutral of and on and drove about 47 km before heading the next town where we were able to fill the tank. He was looking at me and into my eyes with suspense. We had made it by 0200 in the middle of night. He had a dream. In his dream he seen BABAJI's photo and said to himself Oh this is just a photo. BABA is not for real. I am a Sikh and in Sikh religion photo worship is prohibited. To his amazement the voice came from somewhere and said "who do you think brought the car for 47km without gas " He woke up right away to tell me that there sure is something that can not be explained.
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Devotees say...

A Sai Bhaktha
Since my childhood, I have known my grand mother and parents worshipping Sai Baba, which even I followed. I have read Sai Satcharitra many many times. About 10 years back, in my previous company I was in Delhi, I was asked to go to Aurangabad via Bombay on an urgent work. They had arranged my air ticket up to Aurangabad. I had been there and completed my work. Before return, I asked our management in Delhi whether I could return by flight, but they refused to give me permission and asked me to come by train.

I was disappointed, but I have no choice but to come back by train. In Aurangabad, I took a three wheeler and was going to the railway station to book my ticket. We almost reached the station and all of a sudden, the auto driver had asked me why not I take darshan of Baba. Even then, it did not strike me that I am somewhere near Shirdi. I asked him which Baba. Then he replied, it is Shirdi Sai Baba. Believe me friends, though I am a regular reader of Sai Satcharitha, it never struck me that Aurangabad is close to Shirdi. Thanks a million to the auto driver. I was in tears.

Then I took his directions, went up to Shirdi by bus, and had Sai darshan for the first time in my life.

It reminds me of Baba's sayings that he will drag his children wherever they are and how far they may be.I believe that auto driver is none but Baba himself.

Veena Gupta, New Delhi, India
In my last write up I mentioned that I was going to Singapore and Kuala Lumpur and I am very much glad and happy to write that Baba was with me at both the places. I with my husband reached Singapore on 1 March, which was Thursday, at about 9:30 AM. I took a big photo of Baba along with me for my son. On reaching the house I places the photo on the chair near the small mandir, my son has. After getting fresh, when we were performing pooja we saw the Udi coming out of from this new photo as well as from other photos of Baba in the mandir. We spent five Thursdays in Singapore and on these days, we performed the Sai Amrit Vani there from 11 am to 12 noon, the same way as we used to do in Delhi. There we contacted a few Sai devotees, whom we met through Sai Vichaar (Thanks to Sai Vichaar) and they also participated in the Sai Amrit Vani and were blessed by Baba as their prasad was also sprinkled with Udi. On 5 April, we were in Kuala Lumpur. My husband asked me to place my locket of Baba on the table for the pooja, which I declined as I was having other photos of Baba with me. I placed the photo of Baba on the table in the early morning and the Udi was there after some time. We were not at all surprised on this, as we were having full confidence that Baba is with us and He will show His presence. Thus, Baba was with us for 6 weeks, outside India. After our this visit Udi continued coming from the photos and statue of Baba every Thursday and on the prasad, which we place before Him in mandir or at the time of Sai Amrit Vani. Many times the Udi on the photo in mandir takes different shapes. Last Thursday Udi took the shape of 'OM' of Hindi and during Sai Amrit Vani, every body heard the voice of 'kadau' (wooden slipper) from different places in the house as Baba is roaming about in the house wearing 'kadau'. This Thursday there were four figures made out of Udi on the photo. One was 'OM' on the top. On the left, it was curved moon & a star. Below it was a cross. The fourth was not clear and we could not understand. At the end of Sai Amrit Vani, my lap was full of Udi, which we collected and the prasad was also full of Udi, as usual. We also pray Baba during Sai Amrit Vani for all those present and also those who write to us. The devotees may write such request on email Addresses or or I am unable to send the Udi by post but devotees may request exclusively for the photo of Baba giving Udi, which will be sent by email. Om SaiRam
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Prayer Club

Dear Sai, We are happily married by your grace. Now I am returning to India to complete my studies then will rejoin my husband. Please help me get through my final exams and give us the courage to overcome all our hardships and bless us.

Lord, please help my husband to settle down in his business and provide us the means to be able to help others as we are being helped today under your grace.
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Quotation of the Week

Sai Baba is a samartha Sadguru whose main task is not merely to shower temporal blessings on His children but to lead them to His own position of perfect attainment. They should outgrow their petty ambitions, their narrow aversions and attachment, and rise to the full height of their stature. They are potentially God. The divine in them should expand and burst the cocoon of ignorance now wrapping them and dimming their splendor. As Baba puts it, they should become Himself. - H.H. Narasimhaswamiji in Glimpses of Sai Baba

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Question of the Week

Q.Sai devotee Pran Razdan suggested the "Question of the Week" as follows:

Kaamais tais tair hrta-jnaanaah
prapadyante nya-devataah
tam tam niyamam aasthaaya
prakrtyaa niyataah svayaa

Interpretation of this shloka as given in "Bhagvat Gita As it is" by Swami Prabhupada is "Those whose intelligence has been stolen by material desires surrender unto demigods and follow the particular rules and regulations of worship according to their own natures". The emphasis according to this interpretation is on praying to the Supreme Lord Krishna and not others called demigods. We call Sai as Saikrishna and believe that through Him we can attain the spiritual freedom and become one with the Absolute.

"Why is therefore a distinction made here between Supreme Lord and other gods and who are demigods?"
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Sai Activities

Gurupoornima around the World
The Poornima (Full Moon) Day in the month of Ashadha (July-August) is known as Guru Poornima or Vyasa Poornima. This is a very sacred day on which special worship is performed to the Acharyas (Gurus), who, through their infinite Compassion and Supreme Grace, have imparted the Knowledge of the Absolute through a long and continuous line of Acharyas (Guru Parampara) to all the Seekers of the Self. Guru Poornima this year is celebrated on July 5, on an auspicious Thursday.
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