Sai Vichaar

January 31, 2002
Volume 4, Issue 37
(In its fourth year of publication)

01.Feature of the Week: What selflessness!
02.Contributed Article: Miracles of Shirdi Baba
03.CONTRIBUTED POEM: Hamare Baba Sai
03.Experiences of Devotees
04.Devotees Say
05.Sai Activities
06.Prayer Club
07.Quote of the Week
08.Question of the Week
09.Subscribe to Sai Vichaar
10.Email Newsletter to a friend
11.Submit Articles to Sai Vichaar
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13.From the Editor's Keyboard

From the Editor's Keyboard...

Shri Shirdi Sai Chitra Yatra is underway in USA. With participants from across USA concurrently involved this event is off to a great start. More details are available on line at Yatra link. Please participate in this unique nationwide event and invoke Lord Sainath's grace for not only your benefit but also for the benefit of the society.

Sai devotees are also requested to note the forthcoming visit of Guruji Shri Chandra Bhanu Satpathyji in February and the programs in the twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad in the state of Andhra Pradesh in India. See details in the Sai activities section.

Sai devotee Shashwat Raizada wrote to us, "In Shri Sai SatCharita there is a repeated mention of Sai Baba having a Guru in the childhood days. I would humbly want to know who was Sai Baba's Guru?

The "Question of the Week" for the week is

What do we learn about Baba's Guru?

Humbly Yours,

The Editor

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Sai Vichaar is devoted to the philosophy and teachings of Shri Sadguru Sai Baba of Shirdi, and will take every measure to avoid topics or themes contradicting the same.

Sai Vichaar team or is not responsible for the opinions expressed by individual contributors.
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Feature of the week: What selflessness!

Sai Baba of Shirdi was known as a great mystic saint when he was in flesh. One curious story would be enough to indicate his saintliness.

One day, a man came to him begging for his blessing and some alms. Sai Baba told him, "I shall give you a rupee a day, if you would sit here the whole day long from morning till night and abuse me in front of all my devotees". The man was surprised and readily picked up the challenge saying, "It is the easiest thing in the world".

The first day, his voice was in its fullest strength. He abused and slandered the fakir to his heart's content. None knew that he was paid for it. The second day, he poured out the abuses, but they became distinctly feeble and weak. On the fourth day, he refused to carry out the fakir's orders. "I would rather go without your rupee and strive than slander a man like you."

The principal object of this great fakir was to drive away fear from the hearts of his devotees and to take upon himself their burdens. What selflessness!
(Source: "How I found God", by Yogi M.K.Spencer)
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Contributed Article: Miracles of Shirdi Baba

Satcharitra tells us that Shri Sirdi Sai Baba was a saint of miracles. He knew the past and the future of everybody who came to Him. He knew what was going on in their minds. Baba asked Ruttonji first for a Daksbina of Rs. five but then said that He has already received Rs.3-14-0 from him and that he should pay the balance only. It turned out that Ruttonji had already paid a Mahomedan Saint, by name Moulisaheb. How did Baba know that?

Nanasaheb Chandorkar, got an order of transfer to Pandharpur regarded as the BHUVAIKUNTHA - Heaven on earth in those days. He had to leave immediately for the place and did not inform anybody at Shirdi. At the first opportunity he had, he wanted to give a surprise visit to Shirdi, salute Baba and ask Him to accompany him to Pandaripur. When he did come to Shirdi it was he who got the surprise! because Baba and a group of devotees were already singing bhajans and preparing to go to Pandharpur. Again, how did Baba know what Chandorkar was trasfered to Pandharpur or that he was going to ask Him to visit him in that place?

On a day of Diwali, He was pushing firewood into the Dhuni, which was brightly burning. A little later, instead of pushing logs of woods, Baba pushed His arm into the fire the arm got burnt immediately. When people near Him noticed this, they ran to Baba and dragged Him forcibly backward and asked what He was doing. Then Baba came to His senses and told them that the wife of a blacksmith at some distant place, was working the bellows of a furnace and ran hastily to her husband when he called, forgetting her child on her waist. The child slipped into the furnace. SO bABA immediately thrust His hand into the furnace and saved the child. Satcharitra is full of these stories and these are simply too many.

All these events are miracles to us because we identify ourselves with our bodies and minds and therefore can only see things that eyes can see, hear things that ears can hear, and not sure what is going on even in our own minds.

To Sai Baba they are not miracles but they are only natural because He did not identify Himself with a three and a half cubic feet of visible body residing in Shirdi, as Baba himself was fond of repeating. He knew He is the glorious being who had transcended the limitations of time and space, the all-loving Divine. He, the Supreme Self, identified Himself with all. So, there is nothing that He does not know. Not everyone can recognize these events as His Leelas. It can only happen with His grace and requires a heart and a mind which are seeking Him. Otherwise, they look like mere coincidences. One thing to note is that Baba's miracles were never an exhibition of magical powers. Baba discouraged practise of magical powers. He took away such powers from Kusha Bhava, who was producing objects in his hands by reciting certain mantras. When Kusha Bhava pleaded, Baba gave him the power of getting Udi into his hands upon meditating on Him. Magical powers such as materializing objects are not divine miracles because they are merely skills like acrobatics and increase one's ego and take farther away from God.

Stories of Baba healing the sick and the ailing and fulfilling even material desires and wants of His devotees continue even after His Maha Samadhi. What is a miracle to us is a Leela to Him as He often said "If a man utters My name with love, I shall fulfill all his wishes, increase his devotion. And if he sings earnestly My life and My deeds, him I shall beset in front and back and on all sides. Those devotees, who are attached to Me, heart and soul, will naturally feel happiness, when they hear these stories. If one turns all his attention towards Me and worships Me heart and soul, is meek and humble, he will get ETERNAL HAPPINESS. His dishes will be ever full and never empty."
(contributed by Shyamala Hari)

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Hai yeh apne sai
jo sikhate hai rahana jaise bhai bhai,

Sai kehalate hai isliye
kyonki hai apne ma bap aur bhai,

inki leela hai aparampar
moh maya se milo dur

doh paisonki kahani hai
jaise shradha aur saburi hai,

na chahte hai humse kuch
lekin dete hai brahmand ka dnyan

unki kripa hai jinpar
woh hote hai dhanya mahan

bas jate hai jinke andar
hota uska rom rom kalyan

jo kahalata hai sai sai
har sukh aur dukh main

usko dete hai apna kavach
aur hamesha karte hai uski raksha

hai yeh aise hamare sai baba
hamare pyare aur apne baba

(Contributed by Aparna Sanghvi)

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Experiences of Devotees

Sai Eshwari, Canada
Sairam to one and all!. I am a SAI devotee since my childhood. Recently,I joined my husband who is a Software Programmer working in Canada. Unfortunately, due to the present Economic conditions in the Software Market, he was been laid off from the job. He was jobless for two months. We had to undergo a very tough time. We were praying Baba to help us. Incidentally, one day I was browsing site on the net. Suddenly, I happened to see "Sai Pooja Room In Flash". Wondering what it is, I entered the Pooja Room. In the Pooja Room, we have the option of offering Flowers, Garland, Aarthi, Prayers to Baba. In my Prayer, I asked Baba "let my husband get a job". My Prayer in the form of a "Flower" fell at Baba's feet. And Lo!!to my wonder, the next day itself, my husband was offered a job by his previous company where he was working. Dear Devotees, I just believe that its a Miracle of Sai!! HE helps HIS devotees whenever they are in a trouble. OM SAI SRI SAI JAYA JAYA SAI!!

Sai Chitra Yatra Anchor Home, Pleasanton, CA
Sairam to all of you. I have been selected as one of the anchor homes and I have got the saibaba’s photo on Saturday, 12th Jan 2002. I want to share my experience here. When I opened the photo & reading through the papers that I got from first thing I noticed was to frame the photo. I was surprised to see the size of photo as it was the same size of the frame that I bought unknowingly. (I will share a little past here- When we went to India in 2000 we bought a beautiful painting & we were postponing to frame it. Finally we got little time around New Year & were looking for a good frame. On Friday 11th Jan I bought the frame. At that time I don’t know that mine was selected as anchor home & Baba is coming the next day). When I opened the photo I could not control my self as tears rolling down I took the Baba photo from pooja room to fix the frame, which is waiting for Baba. To my astonishment Baba arranged everything from new cloth to Christmas lights as if they all waiting for Baba’s arrival to my home. My kids are thrilled. Baba’s message this time is "Why fear when I am here" this is a clear indication of Baba’s blessings. I started pooja with 108 namas and I am also doing parayana of 11th & 15 chapters as per the schedule of Anithaji. I got udhi on Thursday as a blessing. I am asking devotees in CA around Pleasanton to take this opportunity & get blessed with Baba. Please contact me at:

Sai Chitra Yatra Host Home, San Dimas, CA
Sai Ram, Thanks for all the information on Anchor homes in my area. I did contact three of them which are close to my house and got the responses. Both families were kind enough to invite me, but Baba had something else planned for me. All along I have been reading about Chitra Yatra, and in my heart I wanted Baba to come to my house, but I was not sure if I could do all the Pooja the right way. One day after thinking a lot, I found courage to write to you and see if I was lucky enough to do Baba's Darshan in LA. I was surprised when I got a response saying Baba is in LA and I could do His Darshan. It was a dream. After calling Sandhya, the Anchor Family, I went to her house and took some prasad for Baba that I cooked and so did Sandya. We offered Prasad to Baba and did Pooja and Arti. Sandya's little girl somehow burped, and Sandhya looked at me and said Baba is satisfied with our food,look Baba's way of telling us. I feel so blessed that not only did I get Darshan but I could offer Baba prasad also. This gets better. After Pooja I asked Sandhya, If I could take Baba home for one day, and you know what, she said I could take Baba for one week. The Picture is so perfect, Baba in person is sitting in my Mandir. BABA CAME TO MY HOUSE, RATHER HIS HOUSE FOR ONE WEEK. You can't imagine how I feel right now. My husband, my children we all are soo happy. I know now when we pray with heart and soul are wish comes true. Thank you all of you for giving me this chance. May BABA bless all of you. Sai Ram, Renu.

Sai Chitra Yatra Anchor Home, Austin, TX
Hey, Sadguru Sainadha! How beautiful you are, yesterday when you arrived here in Austin, I was overjoyed with excitement. The response by devotees willing to be hosts to take baba to homes are just overwhelming. Baba, you are so much loved and wanted by all of us. You are indeed adorable, for all this to make happen. We are quite blessed to take part in this glorious yatra. Interested devotees can contact Anchor point in Austin at or 512-873-9755 Baba's grace, peace and happiness to one and all!

Sai Chitra Yatra Host Home, Memphis, TN
It is so wonderful to be able to participate in this event. We got BABA from the anchor home on Thursday the 24 th jan. I am doing sathcharita parayan & puja. I feel swami has come to our home to bless us. thanks to everyone involved. Sarada Challa

Sai Chitra Yatra Anchor Home, Beavertown, OR
Baba made his visit to our house on Monday and the feeling and joy that we felt is beyond any description. His presence fills the house and makes us feel at peace. By Baba's grace, our home is the anchor home in Beaverton, Oregon. All devotees who would like to participate and would like to contact us regarding the yatra, our email id is or at SRI SADGURU SAINATH MAHARAJ KI JAI - Jyothi

Sai Chitra Yatra Anchor Home, Jersey City, NJ.
Baba arrived at our place on Friday 18... As i had earlier also mentioned in my experience number 9 has been significant number. 1+8 =9. Everyone was happy to see Him in house. We did aarti's with my family. Next day we performed Morning Aarti also. The atmosphere was very different around house. We received call from another Anchor home from Sandeep Kapoor Jersey City, who also wanted to bring baba's potrait at his place. Being with baba for the last few days it was really joyful feelings.

By Baba's grace I am one of the anchor homes in Jersey City, NJ.
This is a message to all devotees in and around Jersey City that I received the picture. If any saibhakts would like to invite Baba's potrait in Jersey City, Please contact me Nita Patel ,during day time at 212 754 4847 or 201 993 6087 or by email at
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Devotees say...

Manas Aditya
People can learn from sadguru sainath peace, helpfulness, love, sympathy and living a complete devoted life through helping others and attaining peace to soul through showing sympath towards fellow being and towards animals. The principle of live and let live truly the master philosophy and sadguru shri sainath has truly observed his philosophy of life and preached to people. May we entire humanity bows to his feet and pray of the peace of mind and dream a heaven on earth. OM SAI SHRI SAI JAI JAI SAI

Sai Chitra Yatra Anchor Home, Freemont, CA
Sairam, I was a Bala Vikas student, which is conducted by Sathya Sai committee organization. So any ways, I know bhajans that were taught and sung in Sai centre bhajans. The other day, I was singing "Anna hi padega BaBa" song and in my mind I was thinking that can I sing the same bhajan for Shirdi Sai too and I was also thinking that I need to learn some Shirdi sai bhajans. As usual, Baba knows his way of answering our questions. In today's Saivichar, I saw one devotee singing "Anna hi padega Baba" song to Shirdi Sai and I get my answer. Baba this is all your leela. You are so great, I don't have words to express. Also I have been selected as one of the "Anchor Homes". That is another miracle. So any one interested being a host home let me know. I don't know what else to say. May baba be with each one of us and always guide us, be our guru. Sairam

Sai Chitra Yatra Anchor Home, Jersey City, New Jersey
Sai Ram. I had signed my place for bringing Baba's picture in Jersey City. On January 26, 2002, with baba's blessings, I had organized bhajans at my place from 11:00 am - 2:30 pm. I had around 15-20 devotees at my residence and with Baba's blessings we served prasad. The bhajans were so powerful that all us felt that baba was present in our house. Baba's picture is so powerful that all the prayers offered to him reflects as if we are praying to baba directly. Every Thursday Bhajans are held in Jersey City. Devotees plan to bring baba to their respective houses. With kind regards, Sandeep Kapoor
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Prayer Club

Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai Sai! You know what I want. Please fulfil the wishes of my husband, my brother, my Parents, myself & my son. Regarding the jobs for my husband & my brother, help my husband get this job in Muscat now. And similarly once we are there in Muscat, help my brother also get a job in Muscat. I am trusting you, and only you. I know you will not let me down. Always be with my family and give healthy, wealthy and prosperous life to all my near & dear ones. Take care of my parents, my brother, my husband and my son. Always be with them and guide them. Once again I am hoping and praying that you help my husband get through this job in Muscat. Jai Sai Ram. Shri Sachidanand Sadguru SaiNath Maharaj Ki Jai!

Subhendu Sai
Oum Sai Baba! You know how deeply broken I am. I am undergoing a very traumatic patch of my life which I have never faced before on both professional and personal front. I am without job since last almost 3 months. Is it not enough for me to suffer for any of my misdoings. Please I can bear no more. Just after one of my last visits you had promoted me at my job, but just after last visit in October, you took away my job. Why is it so? Please if you can listen to my prayer and see my silent cries, you have to make me to have me feel your presence. You have to advice me what I should do next as all my paths are almost closed. And I have to go back to my native place if I donot get a job within next 1 month. You know my problems on personal front also on my marriage. Please show me the right direction. Please help me having my faith intact. Please do not turn back. I am sure you will help, but when?

Sai Devotee
Baba you are always with us, guided us when we went wrong, brought us back to your feet. Baba please help my brother who is going through lot of problems in his career. He is your strong devotee. Never did harm anyone. Give him confidence and peace to my parents. Though I am in USA I cannot help him in anyway as my husband is not that concern about my people and he is not going to help him. Baba with lot of hope and full faith I started Sai Charitra parayam today. Baba you gave me such a loving brother, please give him happiness and good job. Who else can I ask other than you. I cannot see him suffering anymore. Baba please do something and protect him. I request Saivichar readers to pray for my brother, he is going through depression. He should come out of it and all he needs is Baba's grace.

A Sai Devotee
Dear Sai, please bless my spouse with concenration and motivation for good work. He lacks concentration and he is not able to do well in what he is pursuing. Please bless him with some knowledge and intellect. He will be taking several examinations soon, please bless him to do well. Please make him remember what he prepares and give him the concentration to perform better and prove himself to everybody. Without your help and guidance nothing can be achieved, so please bless him and guide him. I request all the sai devotees to pray for the same. Thank you all. Om Sai Ram.

Praveen Suri
Om Sai Ram. O Mere Sai sometime you are very near to me and sometime you are too far. Why? I know I am wrong, I am still not able to devote much time for your Pooja, but still I am your child. Do punish me for the mistake I committed in my life, and still committing. I have surrendered myself to 'shree Sai Charano par'. Give me your love and affection which I need badly. I do not want any materialistic things, as I know, 'Jiskay Sir Par Tu Swami, Wo Dukh Kaisay Paye'. Please be with me always, everywhere, everytime, in my happiness and sorrow. Om Shri Sai.

Siva Prasad
Oh Baba Please be with me.Sai, I am confused. I need your help.Please help me you have given me everything every time. please help me this time as well, Sai, push me out of my lazy shell and show me your light. Sai, Please help me

Om Sri Sai Ram! My namaskarams to my beloved Baba. Baba, as you are aware, I am in a terribly confused state, officially I have got a good change now, and I am definitely feeling much better financially now, personally, I am getting tensed and losing my temper very badly with my family people and my people are very upset with me. I know after my divorce my parents are helping me a lot and taking care of me and my children. I am not able to think of settling down again in my life. My kids need both parents. Please all I am asking you is please take care of my kids, my kids should come up very well in life, they are everything in my life, I should not hurt them or anybody for that matter, my kind and soft nature should never change. My children should not get affected because of this split between us. Please baba, take care of us, give me lots of patience I am praying you sincerely. Please do bless us.
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Quotation of the Week
"Control of the mind leads to illumination. It is a subtle, spiritual force, higher than the intellect, It is called intuition, the third eye, the mystic passage, the ladder to Godhead". - source: "How I found God" by Yogi M.K.Spencer
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Question of the Week

Q. What do we learn about Baba's Guru?
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Sai Activities

Sri Sai Satyanarayana Pooja, New Delhi, India
Sri Shirdi Sai Prachara Yagna Committee, New Delhi invites all on the auspicious occasion of SRI SAI SATYANARAYANA POOJA AND NAVAGRAHA HOMAM by Eminent pundits of Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Sansthan, Shirdi on Sunday, the 10th February, 2002 at Lodhi Road Complex, Near Nehru Stadium X Road. All the devotees are requested to participate in the programme and obtain the divine blessings of Sai Baba.
For details contact: K.P.Sunder Rao 6527924, Vinay Ratta 6834731 N.R.S.Rao 5279382 , P.V.S.Lakshmi 4108388 S.M.Krishna 6534667 , V.Subba Rao 4363747

1889 Grand Avenue, Baldwin, New York 11510, USA
Recently a life sized Baba's murthi created at Talim Studio (Bombay) has been placed at Baldwin Long Island New York. Darshan starts in February 2002. For further information contact: or

Guruji Shri Chandra Bhanu Satpathy, an ardent Sai devotee who is spearheading the Sai movement across the globe is visiting Hyderabad on 25th and 26th February to participate in the Prana Prathista celebrations of Shri Sai in the newly constructed temple at Shri Lakshmi Nagar colony, Saidabad, Hyderabad. Besides He will be visiting Sai Brindavan(Deshmukh village,after Ramoji film city) on 25th afternoon. On 26th morning He will address the devotees at the oldest temple in the twin cities i.e., Sai Temple, Koneru, Secunderabad. He will pay a visit to Dilsukh Nagar Sai Temple and attend Madhyahna Aarati there. In the evening He will particiate in a special program where the new bilingual website(Telugu and Hindi) which is brought out by SaiBaba.Org(USA) and Shri Shirdi Sai Kalyanam Trust(Tirupati, India)will be inaugurated.

Shri Shirdi Sai Chitra Yatra, South Brunswick, NJ
OM SAI RAM. I am happy to inform all members of the Sai family that Baba's Picture has arrived at our residence. He is resting here at Dayton, South Brunswick. All devotees interested in taking Baba to their host homes may call me on 732 355 1035. Please leave a message and a number that I can reach you. You can also contact me via email to fix a date and time. I will also be happy to give you copies of Baba's audio bajans.

Shri Shirdi Sai Chitra Yatra, Laramie, WY
Dear Sai Devotees, I am participating in the Chitra Yathra as an anchor home from Laramie, Wyoming. It is a great pleasure and blessing for me to get this opportunity. I am doing pooja every day. If any one is interested in contacting me for being a host home or any other activity related to Chithra Yathra, here is my email: Wyoming is just north of Colorado and the nearby cities are Cheyenne and Fort Collins(Colorado). Thank you

Shri Shirdi Sai Chitra Yatra, Portland, OR
Om Sai Ram, We are one of the anchor homes in Portland OR area. We received the beautiful picture of SaiBaba one rainy day here in Portland. I immediately got it framed and have been performing simple pooja for Baba every day. My children are very excited about this and have come to chant Baba's name. This is a message to all devotees in and around Portland, Gresham, Beaverton, Hillsboro areas interested in hosting Baba in their homes to contact me I am also interested a Satsang on Thursday evening or Sundays. Those of you interested please let me know Om Sai Ram

Shri Shirdi Sai Chitra Yatra, Dallas - Fortworth, TX
I am a devotee of Shri Saibaba and by baba's grace I am one of the anchor homes in Dallas - Fortworth area. This is a message to all devotees in and around Dallas - Fortworth that I recieved the picture. If anybody wants to contact me please write an e mail to

Shri Shirdi Sai Chitra Yatra, Union City, CA
This is a message to all devotees in and around Union City, please feel free to contact to be a host for Baba's Chitra Yatra... OM SAI SRI SAI JAI JAI SAI.

Shri Shirdi Sai Chitra Yatra, Raleigh, NC
Om Sai Ram, By Sainath's grace, we're the anchor home for Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill area in North Carolina. Please contact me at if you wish to be a host. Regards, Sai Bommireddipally

Shri Shirdi Sai Chitra Yatra, Altanta, GA
I am delighted to be part of Shri Sai Chitra Yatra 2002. Baba's picture has graced our house on 7th January. Ours is one of the anchor homes for Baba in Atlanta (Georgia) area. If anybody is interested in hosting Sai Baba at their homes, please contact me at I will be more than happy to assist anybody in this matter. Let Baba bless us all!

Shri Shirdi Sai Chitra Yatra, Beaverton, OR
By Baba's grace, our home is the anchor home for in Beaverton, Oregon. All devotees who would like to participate and would like to contact us regarding the yatra, our email id is or at SRI SADGURU SAINATH MAHARAJ KI JAI - Jyothi

Shri Shirdi Sai Chitra Yatra 2002 in USA
"Shri Shirdi Sai Chitra Yatra(Pictorial Journey)", started in USA on Jan 01, 2002. With anchor points across USA concurrently participating from day one, this unique event is off to a great start.

The journey which involves the ceremonial travel of Baba in the form of a portrait will stop at all Baba devotees homes who are interested in being a host to his protrait. The Yatra which will run till fall of this year, is open to one and all. There is no fees or charges involved to take part in this event. You may participate either as a host home or serve as an anchor point in your community.

Vist online at for all the details and to register.

For questions, comments, suggestions or to get details on an Anchor home in your area, send us an email at with the subject line of "Shri Sai Chitra Yatra".
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